Thomas Jonathan Belcher (1844-1904) served as a justice of the peace in Erath County from 1870 to 1890. He resided in and served as postmaster of Rock Falls, and was an attorney with his office in Bluff Dale. Around 1866, he married Louisa Jane Robinson (1840-1883), who was supposedly the granddaughter of William "Choctaw Bill" Robinson, by his oldest daughter, Alsey Robinson. That marriage record was destroyed in the Erath County Clerk records file of 1869. Evidence is needed of the marriage date, via any possible church records. Also proof of exactly who Louisa Jane Robinson is within the Robinson family genealogy. Her mother is supposed to have died in 1852, when she was four years old, and she was supposedly raised by William Robinson and his second wife, Irena Isabella Brent; however she is not listed on the 1860 U. S. Census as living with William Robinson's family. She is not mentioned in Family Trails: Ancestral and Contemporary, by Willo M. (Robinson) Bradley and Edith Lucile Robinson. If anyone has seen the book on the Robinson family by Dr. D. D. Tidwell, or have any information or direction for this research, please contact the Dublin Public Library.
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