Dublin Public Library District Policies
Dublin Public Library District Policies
All borrowers must be registered and must have a library card to borrow library materials. In order to renew a library card, the patron must show identification, address and must clear up any outstanding fines or bills.
1. Borrowers are limited to 1 book and 1 video on the first visit. On the second visit 3 videos (per family) and up to 5 other materials (per family) may be checked out. If additional items are needed, patron may check out up to 15 items (this does not include videos).
2. Bestsellers or new books may not be renewed. All other materials may be renewed one time (except for movies) unless another patron has the item on reserve.
3. Only 3 videos will be checked out per family (regardless of the number of cards the family holds).
4. A person under the age of 18 must have parent’s permission to obtain a library card.
a. If a parent signs a form for a child to obtain a library card, the child is then entitled to check out videos and materials, unless otherwise specified by the parent or legal guardian.
b. The library shall not be held responsible for materials a minor has checked out.
5. Patrons, who borrow library materials, must return them in a timely manner and in good condition. Materials that are lost or damaged must be paid for at replacement cost. This does not include the cost of fines incurred.
6. Any patron whose fines have accumulated to $5.00 or more shall forfeit library privileges until materials are returned and/or fines paid.
Fines are $.25 cents a day for books and $1.75 for movies.
Use of computers will not be allowed if patron owes any fines.
BOOKS---------------14 days—One renewal
NEW BOOKS--------14 days—No renewal
AUDIOBOOKS------14 days--One renewal
REFERENCE -------Do not circulate
GENEALOGY-------14 days (Only available to local members of the Erath Co. Genealogical Society)
PERIODICALS------Do not circulate
MOVIES-------------3 Day—No renewal
ILL LOANS----------Due on date indicated—No renewal
Notices of overdue materials will be mailed according to the following schedule:
1st notice-----------------------------Mailed after item is 14 days overdue
2nd notice----------------------------Mailed after 30 days
Final notice--------------------------Mailed after item is 45 days overdue
10 days after final notice is sent to patron, a complaint will be filed with the Municipal Court if items are not returned.
It is the goal of the staff of Dublin Public Library to provide an atmosphere conducive to pleasant usage of the library by our patrons. The following rules and regulations are for the protection and comfort of all patrons in this library. The library staff will enforce them.
- Eating and drinking are not permitted in the library.
- No smoking is allowed or any use of tobacco product.
- Shoes must be worn in the building for health and safety reasons.
- Soliciting, panhandling and loitering are prohibited.
- Sleeping is not permitted in the library.
- Bedrolls, storage bags, camping gear; shopping carts will not be permitted in the library.
- The library reserves the right to search any container.
- Backpacks, large satchels, briefcases, totes and handbags must be left at the circulation desk. Staff will not be responsible for loss or damage of items.
- Bathing, dressing, shaving in restrooms is prohibited.
- Abuse of library furnishings and property will not be tolerated. Persons with mud or grease on their shoes or clothing will be asked to leave the library.
- The following acts will be considered grounds for removal of the offending person or persons: physical abuse, assault of another person, harassment of patrons or staff members, which include staring, touching or following a person around in the library, a person who hasn’t any apparent reason for being in the library other than causing trouble (chatting with friends, being loud, suspicious of nature, etc.); the use of abusive, insulting, or threatening language to any person in the library. Individuals who are
believed to be under the influence of narcotics or alcohol or who display disorderly conduct shall be requested to leave library premises. No intoxicating beverages are permitted in the library. - Acts, which are subject to prosecution under criminal or civil codes of law, are prohibited.
- No pets allowed in the library. (Except for impairment assistance animals)
- Children under 12 cannot be left unattended in any area of the library.
- Parents, who are using the computers, may not leave children under 12 years of age unattended.
- Parent/guardian will be asked to escort disruptive children under the age of 12 from the library premises.
- A disruptive child unattended and 12 years of age or older, will be escorted by staff to leave the premises.
- If the child’s behavior continues and he/she refuses to leave library premises, or if the parent/guardian will not escort the child from library premises, library staff will call the police.
- Library staff will document any incidents involving unattended or disruptive children and submit a report to the Library Director.
- Conversing with others at the computer table is not allowed.
- Only one person allowed per computer.
- Patron with child to use computer will be place in children’s area computer.
- Patron will be asked to leave for disruptive behavior or unappropriate computer usage.
1) The selection of materials for the library will be decided by the Library Director.
2) The library will attempt to provide books and other materials on the basis of their informational, recreational, cultural, educational value for all members of the community it serves. No item is included or excluded from selection because of political or religious views of the author.
3) Responsibility for what children read or view is up to the parents or legal guardians. The library does not serve in loco parentis.
4) The presence of a book or other material in the Library does not indicate its endorsement.
5) The Library cannot be held responsible for the intellectual content of materials to be right, true, harmless, etc. to residents of the community.
6) Controversial books will usually not be chosen, unless they have a historical value.
7) Challenged material will not be removed from the Library due to complaints of obscenity, pornography, or other category.
8) No person will be denied access to the Library or use of material because of race, nationality or views.
9) The Library will uphold the policies contained in the American Library Association’s Bill of Rights, Freedom to Read, and Statement of Professional Ethics and the Texas Library Association’s Intellectual Freedom Statement. The documents are included at the end of this policy.
- The accepting of gifts will be subject to the same scrutiny as the selection of new materials.
- The gifts must meet the purposes and needs of the Library.
- The Library cannot estimate the value of donated materials for tax purposes.
- We will furnish a written statement of materials donated, type of materials and quantity and name and address of giver.
- The Librarian and/or the Library Board of Directors will judge the use or disposal of all donated materials.
- The Library retains ownership of the donated materials.
- Money donations will be accepted for the purchase of new books and other materials in memory of a relative or friend. The Library keeps a “Wish List” for more expensive items the Library needs and cannot afford. Any of the items can be chosen for purchase in memory of or in honor of a loved one.
- Memorial bricks may be purchased at the cost of $125.00.
- Nameplates will be provided by the Library for memorials and an acknowledgment letter sent to the donor and to the family of the person whom the memorial was given.
- Special plaques will be placed in the library to donors who donate $500.00 or more.
- Donations of $5000.00 or more shall receive a thank you plaque for their support.